Lead Generation

Lead Generatiosn SEO

SEO lead generation is the process of winning potential customers for products or services by getting website visitors from online search engines such as Google ,Yahoo, Bing etc.

What is lead generation SEO?

Lead generation SEO refers to search engine optimization tactics deployed to increase the number of inbound leads a business receives. SEO professionals will identify search terms that potential new customers use on search engines like Google to drive qualified traffic to your website. As qualified traffic increases, goal completions, conversions and sales soon follow.

What makes SEO/organic search traffic a viable channel for inbound lead generation?

Many business owners miss out on potential leads because they think that their industry doesn’t lend itself to digital marketing. Those who believe this are almost always wrong. Lead generation SEO strategies can help you reach a nearly endless supply of new customers in the majority of industries.

SEO can also be more cost-effective than PPC advertising. When your business ranks on page one of Google organically, you don’t have to “pay-per-click,” meaning effective SEO can help reduce your overall advertising spend on things like Google Ads or other PPC advertising services.

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Leads driven through SEO are notoriously inexpensive compared to leads obtained through other channels, so why not use it as often as you can? After all, leads are the heart and soul of your business.

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Use keywords

Do keyword research to find the most important keywords in your industry, and then embed them in your headline and throughout your blog content. Just remember to keep it natural and avoid stuffing keywords, as this might result in penalties from Google.

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Publish regularly

To get the most from your SEO efforts, you need to create content consistently. As evidenced by the graph below, the more frequently you post to your blog, the better results you will get.

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Add links

Each time you publish a post on your blog, you must link it to other relevant content on your website. This improves usability, boosts page views, and helps to spread the link juice.

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Increase your website speed

Website speed affects search engine rankings. Google's main goal is to provide its users with the best experience possible, and the speed at which your website runs is a massive factor in helping them achieve that goal. The faster your website responds to search, the higher Google will rank it.

Here are a few basic ways to increase website speed:

  1. Use a reliable web hosting provider
  2. Make your website mobile responsive
  3. Use an image optimizer plug-in like TinyPNG
  4. Remove unnecessary scripts and plugins
  5. Fix broken links and delete spam comments

Conduct keyword research

Keyword research is a critical element of successful SEO. It involves finding terms that users type into search engines when searching for information, products or services. When done right, keyword research can be a solid foundation of all your online marketing efforts and help drive every decision you make.

There are many keyword research tools that you can use to find the relevant keywords that lead to your website so you can drive more traffic, increase sales, and get a great ROI from your marketing.

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